Like untying your shoelaces to redo the knot No matter how many times we separate We'll always come together again Because we walk to meet again If it feels like your heart is going to drown in sadness Just close your eyes, and remember Because whenever you smile, your eyes are just... beautiful "Thank you" We'll meet again, because life repeats itself On this "starting" path Look forward, and never turn back "Thank you" On this spinning Earth, we'll keep going Even if our hands separate We have an unbreakable bond Like how the coming of tomorrow is inevitable There was no doubt it would happen as expected People kept on embracing Fleeting, uncertain days Looking back on those overwhelmingly tranquil days I realize that had to leave behind what was precious to me This gentle, soothing color is truly... beautiful "Thank you" I want to sing, so I can convey this happiness These overflowing feelings are Always flickering like stars "Thank you" On this spinning Earth, we'll keep going Even if we're heading towards different places Our scenery will stay the same Suddenly I remember (suddenly I remember) that figure (that figure) And my heart starts pounding People say they're not hurting (everyone does) but it's a lie I don't know if I remember these words, but I want to convey them... "Thank you" We met here, this is our path I'll never forget this one thing, to be passionate forever "Thank you" On this spinning Earth, we'll keep going Even if our hands separate We have an unbreakable bond Always, no matter how many years go by